Royal Damon來自台灣,20年來成為全球白鋼珠寶品牌的引領者,品牌核心信念是詮釋著時尚生活的創造力,每一款作品皆為原創設計,對流行與經典的敏銳是團隊的靈感來源。
Royal Damon originated from Taiwan and has become a global leader in stainless steel jewelry over the past 20 years. The brand’s core belief is to interpret the creativity within fashionable living. Each work is an original design. The sensitivity to fashion and classics is the source of inspiration for the team.
Royal Damon specializes in high-end stainless steel, specifically 316L stainless steel. Our mastery of the characteristics of Stainless Steel combined with German craftsmanship, perfectly showcases the design details and emotions in each piece, resulting in Stainless Steel jewelry that won’t oxidize or fade in any environment.
It allows every VIP wearer of Royal Damon to comfortably coordinate their style , without worrying about allergies or spending a lot of time maintaining the jewelry.